Frequently Asked Questions

What is spaying?

Dog or cat spaying (Ovariohysterectomy) - is the surgical removal of a female dog's ovaries and uterus for the purposes of population control, medical benefit, genetic-disease control and behavioral alteration.


What age are you advising to have my pet spayed?

We recommend spaying you dog or cat around 5-7 months of age before they can have their first heat cycle. It decreases the chance of pregnancy or developing an ovarian, uterine, or mammary disorder.


Is it true that my pet will become obese after getting spayed?

It is not automatic that after getting spayed your pet will become obese. The metabolic rate can decrease by about 25% so if you notice any weight gain the amount of food fed a day should be adjusted to a little less than what you usually feed.


What should I know before surgery?

No food or water after midnight the night before and nothing the morning of. We do this because if your pet has a full stomach it is possible for them to vomit with the anesthetics which could lead to fatal complications.

We recommend all vaccines be done before having surgery.


What will happen when we arrive to the hospital for the spay?

The veterinarian will perform a physical exam to be sure your pet is healthy before surgery.

Gum color will be checked. The heart and chest will be assessed and a temperature will be taken.

We always advise pre-anesthetic blood work before surgery. It helps us check to make sure all of the vital organs that filter the anesthesia are working properly before we put them under.

Any surgery we do will require a consent form to be signed before we will proceed.


What is your recommendation after surgery?

We recommend that your pet be on restricted exercise for a minimum of 2 weeks after surgery to allow for proper healing. Leash walks outside only, no running or jumping. No bath for 2 weeks after the surgery, wetting the sutures could result in wound breakdown.

The incision site should be monitored daily to make sure it looks healthy and clean. Make sure to check for any signs of redness, swelling, or pain.

We send home an Elizabethan collar (E-collar or cone) for your pet to wear which will prevent them from being able to lick the incision site.

Your pet should be normal within 1-3 days after surgery. If your pet is depressed, has loss of appetite or thirst, trouble with defecation and urination after surgery we advise you to bring them back as that is not normal.


When can we feed our pet after surgery?

Depending on when the surgery is done during the day we will tell you a good time to feed dinner when you come to pick up. When you feed the dinner it is about half of what they usually eat along with small amounts of water. It is common for the pets to not want to eat the night of the surgery. Everything should be back to normal appetite wise the next day. If they have not eaten in 24 hours after surgery, return to the vet.

